NOOK: Inclusive Furniture Series
Nook is a furniture series designed with an inclusive methodology that centres the needs and activities of autistic children. The furniture, intended to be used in children’s libraries and inspired by the Montessori methodology, aims to create a space where children feel free to be themselves and interact without encountering restrictions but rather opportunities. All the pieces are conceived as multi-functional, allowing adaptability based on needs and usage that reflects the individual modalities of children.
The philosophy underlying this project is to reverse the traditional perspective by adapting the space to the diversity of the people who use it, rather than forcing individuals to conform to it.
16 - 21 April
Full collection @ FLA FlavioLucchiniArt Museum / Superstudio Più, via Tortona 27 - Milano
Selection in context @ Biblioteca Venezia, Porta Venezia District / Via Paolo Frisi, 2/4 - Milano
Workshop + Talk @ Fondazione TOG / Isola Design District