Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Place
Doyenne presents: Seeking Comfort in an Uncomfortable Place is a short film about neurodivergent skaters told through the intimacy of their spaces and thoughts. Women and gender non-conforming people are mostly under-represented and under-researched within neuroscience studies and mainstream media which leads to many individuals with autism and ADHD failing to get diagnosed until later in life, or in some cases, never. This film reveals those untold stories by sharing their experiences, the intimacy of their daily lives, personal space, and their relationship with skateboarding. Most of the people involved in the making of this film are neurodivergent.
A film by Doyenne
Director: Debora Maitè / Producer: Foundry Films /Cinematography: Lewis Raeburn / Skate Filming: Nancy Hawkin / Sound: Laïtsi Berre / Music: Isaac Ide, Mitch Crook
Featuring: Chloe Duncan, Meg Wriggles Kira Ketover